Owen Sylvester Porter was on the shores of Lake Worth as early as 1885, when he bought 20 acres of land on the east shore from Charles Moore for $2,200. A year later, he bought an additional 5 acres from Charlie for $650.
He bought and sold many pieces of land in the next eight years. Around 1890, he went into the real estate business with George W. Potter.
Porter homesteaded 168.92 acres of land in 1891 and, two years later, sold it to Dorinda H. Brelsford for $7,000. He built his home on the west side of the lake and later turned it into a hotel. In 1893, he sold a 50 acre tract of land to Henry M. Flagler for $35,000, this land became part of the original town site of West Palm Beach.
A charter member of the Lake Worth Pioneers’ Association, he was often referred to in early writings as Captain O.S. Porter. In 1893, Owen and his wife, Sarah, moved to Daytona, Florida. Porter was elected mayor of
Daytona in 1896 (population 986). He died 15 February 1897 there. His services were held at St. Mary’s Church, Daytona, and burial was in Johnstown, New York.
Sarah McFarland Porter was born 1840 and died in 1918. She and Owen had a son, Archibald, born 1869, before they came to the lake area. He moved to Daytona with them and became very active in local politics. He served several terms as city commissioner, tax collector,and city clerk. He and his wife, Louise, had two children, Richard and Kathleen. Archibald died 14 June 1953 and Louise died 20 July 1956.