Robert Wilford Porter arrived on the shores of Lake Worth in 1888, three years after his brother, James W. Porter, who sold him 42 acres of land in Lantana for $80.
Robert, born about 1871 at Cadiz, Kentucky, farmed his land west of Parker Avenue and had an orange grove. He also propagated several new varieties of mangoes and pears. In later years, he took over Beach’s Nursery which became known as Porter’s Nursery.
Robert married Marion and they had three children: Warren Porter, Sadie Porter, and Anna Mae Porter who married James Sturrock, president of Boynton Landscape Company and Knollwood Groves.
Robert Wilford Porter was killed in an automobile accident 5 September 1937 in Greenwood, South Carolina, and his body was brought back home for services and burial in Hillcrest Cemetery, West Palm Beach. Marion died 27 March 1937 and is buried beside Robert.