Celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on Saturday, May 1, 2021!
Celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on Saturday, May 1, 2021!
Information regarding our ancestors, the original pioneers of southeast Florida, who are buried under The Norton Museum and possibly Pioneer Memorial Park to the east of the museum. Their families chose not to move their bodies to Woodlawn Cemetery (across Dixie from The Norton) about 1940.
As noted on the plaque to the right, the following pioneers were buried under The Norton Museum or in Pioneer Park. Their bodies were NOT removed for construction. Debate continues as to exactly HOW many pioneers are buried under The Norton, stories say 7-17, this plaque shows 40. Some stories suggest that this plaque references pioneers that may also be buried to the east of The Norton in Pioneer Memorial Park.
This Memorial Is Placed Here By The Palm Beach Art League In Memory Of Those Whose Names Appear Below
Dwight Adams Allen, Jr. Robert Hone
George Russell Allen Harriett M. Lewis
Infant Allen Col. J. H. Livingston
Mary Louise Allen Albert Plessner Majewski
Henry J. Anthony Grace Elizabeth Majewski
L. Bennett Fred Mayer
Gottlieb Burkhardt Robert W. Milburn, Sr.
Henry John Burkhardt (Infant) Flora Sherman Otwell
Jarvis Brush Brown Homer Sherman Otwell
Charles Campbell Mark Hannibel Otwell
Bessie Crandall Hannibal Dillingham Pierce
Irene Currie Margretta Moore Pierce
James Dickey Doster Albert Savage
William G. Frazure Jonathan Seeley
Jessie Hannong George W. Shaw
Emmanuel Hevser Jim Thorne
Mabel Althea Hevser John Pierce Voss
Harriet Hill William Waldron
Edmond Hone Laten A. Willson, Jr.
Richard Hone Thomas Young
Copyright © 2018 Lake Worth Pioneers' Association, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Proudly celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on 5-1-2021 at The Norton Museum for member families.
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