Celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on Saturday, May 1, 2021!
Celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on Saturday, May 1, 2021!
This is a scan of the oldest news clipping we have on the 1908 Pioneer Picnic. Newspaper unknown.
Business directory for the "LAK" area. Note there are misspelled names and incorrect intitials. Scan of copy from an 1896 directory.
Source: Written & acknowledged by The Bacon & Adams Abstract Co of Jacksonville & Ocala. P. 260 of the Florida State Gazette.
Scan of "Found in Pierce Papers: List of 'Lake Worth Pioneers'"
Published in the Palm Beach Post-Times. Faint handwriting on the side shows some corrections, but most illegible; a photocopy.
Ancestry is the Geneaological Society of Palm Beach County's newsletter. Full of great information, this information regarding "Where the pioneers came from" was compiled by our own Marjorie Watts Nelson.
List of Pioneers, birth & date dates, and where from--this is the first page.
Ancestry is the Geneaological Society of Palm Beach County's newsletter. Full of great information; this was compiled by our own Marjorie Watts Nelson.
Second page of the list of Pioneers, birth & death dates, and where from.
Ancestry is the Geneaological Society of Palm Beach County's newsletter. Full of great information, this was compiled by our own Marjorie Watts Nelson.
From a 1923 source, this photo is accompanied by text with all the names of attendees.
This is part 1 and has been edited to lighten/brighten the very yellowed newspaper clipping. There is no newspaper source. See part 2 for the list of attendees.
This is part 2 of the newspaper clipping (no source). It includes 2 more photos including Youngest & Oldest. Text includes a listing of all photographed. This has been edited to lighten/brighten the very yellowed newspaper clipping.
This is part 1 and is a scan of the professional photograph (appears someone obtained the B & W photograph from the paper). See part 2 for the list of attendees. Source: Palm Beach Times
This is part 2--the back of the photo. This lists the attendees in the photo. This appears to be the more accurate list of attendees.
We know this is Lillie Pierce Voss on the left (first white girl born between Jupiter and Miami), but the other people are a mystery. Judging by Lillie, this may be the late 1950's or early 1960's. Pioneer Picnic photos from 1966 show her looking much older.
Email us with any info PLEASE!
This photograph by Kern Photos was taken on February 26, 1922 in West Palm Beach. The statue of Elisha Newton "Cap" Dimick is now located at the entrance to the Town of Palm Beach as you head east over the Royal Park Bridge. The original bridge was build by Cap Dimick as a business venture along with the Royal Palm subdivision in Palm Beach. The statue was originally located on 5th St and Railroad Ave (nka Quadrille) at the State Health Department Building. "Cap" Dimick was a State Senator and State Representative.
Thank you to the Historical Society of PBC & Debi Murray for locating the names of the attendees for the "Cap" Dimick statue unveiling
Surveyors at James' house near the future "L" Street in Lake Worth (nka Lake Worth Beach).
Photo originally courtesy of the Lake Worth Historical Museum and Ted Brownstein.
Source: Ted Brownstein, "Social Status and Race in the Pioneer Lake Worth Community--A Case Study of Fannie and Samuel James," Tustenegee, vol 4, no 2 (Fall 2013), pp.24-29 http://www.pbchistoryonline.org/uploads/file/Fannie%20and%20Samuel%20James.pdf
Jacob Gildersleeve (farmer) and his wife Mildred Wilborn "Millie" (nurse and midwife). Millie, a former slave who was granted freedom, travelled here with Elisha "Cap" Dimick's family. Millie may have been the first black resident of the future Palm Beach County. They were married at the home of E.M. Dimick after 1880. About 1886, Millie began working as a midwife for the area's first doctor, Richard Potter. In 1894, they helped found the Tabernacle Baptist Church in West Palm Beach and the Evergreen Cemetary. Their daughters were among the first graduates of Florida A & M College. Millie's death was recognized by resolution in 1950 when inducted as a posthumous member of the LWPA.
Part 2 of news article honoring Millie and her induction into the Florida Women's Hall of Fame in November 2019.
Woman with walker is Margaret Garnett Harris, daughter of Barefoot Mailman Andrew Garnett
Another photo showing Margaret Garnett Harris, daughter of Barefoot Mailman Andrew Garnett--with walker.
Harvey E Oyer, III on left in blue polo is the author of the "Adventures of Charlie Pierce" book series. Marjorie Nelson in black print blouse on right (she was instrumental in the foundation of the Genealogical Society of PBC.
Copyright © 2018 Lake Worth Pioneers' Association, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Proudly celebrating our 125th annual Pioneer Picnic on 5-1-2021 at The Norton Museum for member families.
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